Help with Digitized Tasks

Crowdsourcing is a term that was first used in a 2006 Wired Magazine description of how the idea of outsourcing work adapted to the World Wide Web. With crowdsourcing, a collective group of people can contribute to projects through their ideas and experience. Because of the internet, there are opportunities to tap into vast, global resources of collective human knowledge and creativity, thanks to the flexibility and mobility that home computers and personal phones allow. Businesses or institutions needing extra help with completing projects could now reach out globally for tasks specifically related to digitization. 

Regarding crowdsourcing for help with digitization projects, there are several kinds of tasks that have adapted well because of the internet. Because of the vast amounts of hand written records, diaries and notes, plus newspapers, posters, pamphlets and other types of text, transcribing handwritten words into the computer can be done from home. Volunteers can also assist with transcribing audio recordings into written text, and converting scans into searchable text. Volunteers can also assist with reviewing other people’s transcription for accuracy, or help with editing digitized projects.  For digitized projects that deal with images, volunteers can help by cropping out unnecessary space from pictures, and can try to identify, or tag, unknown people, places or items in photographs. Volunteers can assist with search capabilities by adding missing information, or metadata, to existing digitized text or pictures. 

In order to engage and retain participants, organizations that have turned to the general public for help with digitized tasks can take steps to offer positive experiences. They can try to make the process as easy as possible, from how many steps it takes to register, and how much work is expected to be completed. The rules for how to complete tasks should not be too lengthy or overly complicated. The digitized items for volunteers should be easy work with, whether that means clear images and legible text, and not overly complicated to obtain on the website. One of the most useful ways that organizations can engage and retain participants is by offering a platform for building community. Helping volunteers make connections with each other, encouraging dialogue for brainstorming or problem solving can go along way with making sure volunteers will continue to offer their services, as they will feel more personally invested in the project. Public acknowledgment is a positive method of retaining help, as most people do like to be thanked for the time and efforts they give to others. 

Participating in crowdsourced help with digitized items on the internet can be a positive experience for many, especially those who are in marginalized communities, as it can help them connect with others who share similar interests, or reconnect with their heritage and roots. It can be a very rewarding experience! 

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